Renowned journalist and commentator, Amadu Lamrana Bah, has recently expressed his recommendations for key cabinet portfolios within the government of Sierra Leone.

In a thought-provoking statement, Bah proposed a lineup of appointments that he believes would effectively address the country’s pressing agricultural challenges.

Bah’s recommendations included Dr. Kandeh Yumkella for the position of Minister of Agriculture and Feed the Nation, emphasizing his expertise and track record in the field. Yumkella, a widely respected figure in Sierra Leone, has a deep understanding of the agricultural sector and is known for his commitment to sustainable development.

Furthermore, Bah suggested Jacob Jusu Saffa as the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Feed The Nation I, and Prof. David Francis as the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Feed The Nation II. He proposed that one deputy should be assigned to the South East region, while the other would serve in the North West region, ensuring comprehensive coverage across the country.

Bah’s rationale behind these recommendations stems from his belief that this particular team would effectively tackle the long-standing “Bread and Butter” issue that has plagued Sierra Leone. By entrusting key positions to individuals with proven experience and knowledge in the agricultural sector, Bah asserts that these appointments would pave the way for substantial progress in addressing food security and economic stability.

Read Amadu Lamrana Bah’s post below:

“If only it was going to please me as it pleases President Bio, these are the appointments I will make…

Minister of Agriculture and Feed the Nation, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Feed The Nation I, Jacob Jusu Saffa. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Feed The Nation II, Prof. David Francis. Send one Deputy to the South East and one to the North West.

We are well and good. With this team, we go address Bread and Butter issue once and for all. FreetownStories”