Recently in the Court Martial trial, Judge Advocate Mark Ngeba denied Lawyer Ibrahim Bangura’s request for access to the Medical Report of the sixth accused, Corporal Edwin Koroma, alias Smallie.

The application was made on Friday, February 23, 2024, as Lawyer Bangura sought the medical report from the Correctional Service medical practitioner, citing concerns about Corporal Edwin Koroma’s serious illness and the necessity for proper medical attention. The Judge Advocate had previously ordered a thorough examination of the sixth accused to expedite the trial.

Despite efforts to persuade Judge Advocate Ngeba, the application was promptly turned down. The Judge Advocate emphasized the confidential nature of medical information and invoked privacy laws protecting the doctor-patient relationship.

“This court cannot grant the application,” declared the Judge Advocate, underscoring the significance of maintaining confidentiality in both medical and legal interactions. He reminded legal counsels that the Court Martial operates under specific mandates distinct from regular hearings.

The trial resumed proceedings with the seventeenth prosecution witness after addressing the concerns raised by Lawyers Ady Macauley and Ibrahim Bangura.