Former Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma issued a press statement condemning the killing and arrest of his security aides during a security breach and intense gunfire unrest in Freetown on the sunday.

Expressing profound grief, he specifically highlighted the tragic death of Corporal Eddie Conteh, a devoted military guard appointed by the state, reportedly shot at close range amid the turmoil at his residence in Goderich, Freetown.

Koroma, in his official communication, underscored his unequivocal condemnation of the violence, particularly mourning the loss of Corporal Eddie Conteh. He conveyed sincere condolences to the bereaved family, accentuating the severity of the situation with the poignant wish, “May his soul rest in peace.” The former president’s heartfelt sentiments and prayers were directed toward the grieving family, emphasizing the personal toll such incidents inflict on those directly impacted.

Warrant Officer John Swarray, another integral member of Koroma’s security team, was allegedly forcefully taken from the ex-president’s residence to an undisclosed location during the unrest. Koroma expressed deep concern for Warrant Officer John Swarray’s well-being, stating, “I look forward to his safe return.” The uncertainty surrounding the location and safety of a key security team member added an additional layer of distress to Koroma’s already forceful condemnation of the security breach.

The incident, unfolding on Sunday, November 26, 2023, in Freetown, marked a significant and distressing moment for the former president, as his personal security was compromised. The press release served as both a condemnation of the violence and an appeal for the safe return of Warrant Officer John Swarray. Koroma’s words not only reflected his concern for the immediate impact on his security team but also highlighted broader implications for the security and stability of the region.

As Sierra Leone contends with the aftermath of this unfortunate event, Ernest Bai Koroma’s press release stands as a testament to the seriousness of the situation and the urgent need for resolution and justice. The former president’s words echo a demand for accountability and a prompt, comprehensive response to address the security concerns arising from the shocking events of that fateful day.