Sierra Leone’s former president, Ernest Bai Koroma, has issued a plea for calm following a 24-hour notice from the police to report in connection with the failed attempted coup on November 26. The incident resulted in the death or arrest of several of his former and current bodyguards. (

In a press release from Koroma’s office dated December 7, 2023, it was announced that the former president had received an invitation from the Inspector General of Police in Freetown. The release stated, “The office of Former President, HE Ernest Bai Koroma, hereby informs the public that former President Koroma has on Thursday 7th December received an invitation from the Inspector General of Police in Freetown. Former President Koroma will, therefore, be traveling to Freetown to honor the said invitation.

Emphasizing his commitment to cooperation, Koroma stated, “I maintain an open mind and stand ready to support the police investigations to the fullest. Let the rule of law reign supreme in our democracy.” This statement aims to reassure the public and demonstrate Koroma’s willingness to engage with the legal process.

The 26th November coup attempt marked a significant and troubling event in Sierra Leone’s recent history, with the involvement of Koroma’s security personnel adding complexity to the situation. The former president’s decision to comply with the police invitation is likely an effort to demonstrate transparency and adherence to the rule of law.

As the nation awaits developments, concerns linger about potential political ramifications and the stability of Sierra Leone’s democracy. Ernest Bai Koroma’s call for calm suggests a desire to avoid further tensions, urging citizens to trust in the legal process while he collaborates with authorities to address the allegations surrounding the failed coup.