President Bio is setting an example for Agricultural growth in Sierra Leone and the Minister of Agriculture is challenging all Sierra Leoneans to follow suit.

In a current testimony, Dr. Henry Musa Kpaka, Sierra Leone’s Agriculture Minister, conveyed his profound admiration for President Bio’s steadfast staunchness to achieving agricultural self-sufficiency in the country. Minister Kpaka praised the President’s unwavering commitment to setting an example and advancing food security.

During a weekend spent at President Bio’s farms in Tihun and Masiaka, Minister Kpaka had the opportunity to watch firsthand the President’s vehemence for agriculture. He observed President Bio’s candid delight in cultivating the land and growing the food he consumes.

Dr. Kpaka believes that this hands-on approach not only serves as a peculiar example but also encourages copious Sierra Leoneans to encirclement farming and contribute to the success of the Feed Salone program.

He said, “President Bio leads by example. The joy he gets from growing what he eats and his aspiration to see many Sierra Leoneans do the same in an asset for Feed Salone program.

In his statement, Minister Kpaka stressed the vital role of agriculture in attaining food security and fostering economic development in Sierra Leone. He underscored the significance of self-sufficiency in food production as a means to reduce dependence on imports and strengthen the nation’s resilience against external factors that impact food supply.

In addition, Minister Kpaka statement testified that, President Bio’s dedication to agriculture is closely aligns with the objectives of the Feed Salone program, which seeks to enhance agricultural productivity, empower local farmers, and ensure food security for all Sierra Leoneans.

Minister Kpaka concluded his statement by expressing optimism that, under the President’s leadership and with the collective efforts of the nation, Sierra Leone will make substantial progress toward achieving agricultural self-sufficiency and a prosperous future.

He challenged all Sierra Leonean to follow President Bio’s lead, believing that this would accelerate the country’s food production efforts.