The Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Security, and its social partners, are undertaking further consultations for the development of the Social Protection Bill 2023.

This initiative follows a nation-wide regional stakeholders’ consultation held two years ago, to gather insights and recommendations from key players in the Social Protection Sector.

Once enacted, the Social Protection Bill 2023 will be first of its kind and it will pioneer the legal framework in addressing social protection challenges and guiding social protection interventions in Sierra Leone. Additionally, it will establish a central Social Protection Authority to oversee such interventions.

In his keynote address, the Deputy Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Security, Lansana Mohamed Dumbuya, stated that President Julius Maada Bio, had requested further consultation on the Bill due to concerns raised by some social protection stakeholders who felt excluded from earlier discussions.

“We are here today to tap into your expertise and knowledge, broadening the consultation’s scope, to ensure a bill of national significant,” stated Mr. Dumbuya. He emphasized the need for comprehensive input to craft an enduring legislation.

The workshop’s objectives and methodology were outlined by the Acting Director of the Ministry’s Social Safety Net, Ibrahim Shereef Kanu, while Acting Director of the Social Protection Directorate, Duraman Songo, presented the draft Social Protection Bill.

Over the next two days, participants will analyze the draft bill in small groups, contributing additional insights, comments and recommendations, which will shape the Bill’s key provisions.

With support from World Bank, the consultative engagement, which kicked off today at the District Council Hall in Kenema City, will be replicated in the same manner in Bo (Southern Region), Makeni (Northern Region), Port Loko (North-West Region), and Freetown (Western Area), in the coming days.