Sierra Leone Daily news political Reporter, French SB Kamara has revealed that there are 83,033 male and female teachers in Sierra Leone.

The report by Kamara gathered total amount of teachers in pre-primary, primary, junior secondary, and senior secondary schools in the country.

It states that:

1. In pre-primary school there are 4,878 female teachers, 688 male teachers totaling 5,566 teachers;

2. In Primary school: there are 14,284 female teachers, 33,454 male teachers, 47,738 in total.

3. Junior Secondary: 3, 155 female teachers, 16, 733 male teachers, 19,88 in total.

4. Senior Secondary: 817 female teachers, 9,024 male teachers, 9,841 in total.

5. All Total: 23,134 female teachers, 59, 899 male teachers, 83, 033 teachers in total.