A recent video widely shared on social media depicts a young man from Binkolo exhibiting unusual behavior.

It is alleged that he consumed a significant quantity of Kush, amounting to a full packet valued at Nle 150,000, in the village of Malal, located in the northern province of Sierra Leone.

See Video;


As the fight against Kush intensifies in the country through different individuals calling for possible actions to address the menace, the situation still remains alarming through the country.

The Minister of Health and Sanitation, Austin Demby has recently frowned at the solution taken by people within different communities in using cains and other forms of manhandling those who are involved in the Kush intake. According to the minister, it may be seen as double punishment on them.

Many sierra Leoneans still cast the blame on the authorities for dragging their feet in the fight whilst some believe that, the importers need to be cautioned if the situation might be put under control.