The Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education is concerned about false information circulating on social media, allegedly from certain private school principals, regarding why some candidates are not registered for the ongoing WASSCE exams.

The Ministry is disappointed with these principals, who should set an example of honesty, for spreading misinformation. It urges them to inform their students truthfully that they were not registered because their Year One Continuous Assessment Scores (CASS) were not uploaded, disqualifying them from registration.

To ensure no eligible candidate is unfairly disadvantaged, Minister Conrad Sackey is working with the Ministry of Finance to allow these candidates to sit for the November/December WASSCE at government expense. Discussions for this are well underway.

Identifying eligible candidates will involve collaboration between the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, the Council of Principals of Secondary Schools, private school associations, civil society organizations, Parliament, and the Anti-Corruption Commission. The public will be informed when this process begins.

The Ministry emphasizes that principals who failed to register eligible candidates for the May/June WASSCE due to negligence will face severe administrative actions, including suspension or dismissal.