Today, Thursday, 28th March 2024, is predicted to be the hottest day of the week in Sierra Leone, with temperature and humidity levels expected to peak throughout the morning, afternoon, and night hours.
This forecast comes from the Sierra Leone Meteorological Agency in collaboration with the Chief Heat Officer of the Freetown City Council.
The weekly temperature forecast, issued at 5:00 pm on Sunday, 24th March 2024, indicates that Freetown will experience partly cloudy skies with high to low humidity during the night into the early morning, accompanied by hot to very hot temperatures. The afternoon period will see mostly sunny skies, with maximum temperatures ranging between 28°C and 31°C. However, the weather will be partly hazy during the day, with humidity levels ranging between 27% and 88%.
Throughout the week, both temperature and relative humidity levels are expected to be extremely high, with temperatures reaching up to 31°C on Thursday and Friday. Humidity levels above 80% are anticipated, leading to heat stress and discomfort, exhaustion, and potentially heat stroke.
Given this data, Thursday, 28th March, is highlighted as the hottest day of the week, with temperature and humidity levels peaking throughout the day and night.
For more information on preventive and mitigation measures against heat-related illnesses, individuals are encouraged to visit Additionally, to support heat-resilient interventions, please contact +23278909065.