Following the donation of 800 bags of rice and food Items made by the Chinese Embassy in Freetown to the Minister of Social Welfare, Melrose Kaminty for the Muslim Community, the Minister has on the 9th April, 2024 made the items reach the actual beneficiaries.

She handed over Eight hundred (800) bags of twenty five (25) kilograms of rice, Sixty (60) barrels of ten (10) litters cooking oil and (30) bags of Fifty (50) kilograms of sugar to the muslim community.

The handing over was done at a brief ceremony organized recently at the Ministry of Social Welfare’s office New England Ville in Freetown as part of transparency and fulfilling their commitment as a ministry in working for the good of the citizens.

She thanked the Chinese Embassy for such a support in this Holy month of Ramadan and called on the religious leaders to ensure that the least member in their organisations receive a share of the items as that is the major aim of the donation.

She revealed that she had engaged the embassy to replicate a similar gesture to the Christian community during christmas 2024 as part of their solidarity supports to the nation.

It was reported that the food items were shared among four Islamic groups ranging from the United Council of Imams with 250 bags of 25kg rice, 10 litres of 20 gallons of Oil and 10 bags of 50kg sugar; Inter Religious Council Sierra Leone 150 bags of 25kg rice, 10 litres of 5 gallons of oil and 5 bags of 50kg sugar; Sierra Leone Muslim Congress Mission with 150 bags of 25kg rice, 14 gallons of 10 litres cooking oil and 5 bags of 50 kg sugar; Supreme Islamic Council with 250 bags of 25kg rice,16 gallons of 10 litres cooking oil, and 50kg of 10 bags of sugar.

The various religious leaders thanked both the Minister and the Chinese Embassy for such a gesture and promised to use the items for its intended purpose. The maintained that, the donation came on the right time.