Chernor Bah, The Minister of Information and Civic Education has reacted and denied having a hand in the shutdown of Radio Democracy-98.1 during a scheduled radio interview (Pre-recorded) with the US Ambassador to Sierra Leone, David Reimer which was disrupted on Wednesday 16th August 2023.

In an interview with VOA, the minister said that Radio Democracy invited him to be on air and he was there whiles the station went off at some point, adding that he went there to address the people of the country which is something he has been doing in bringing the activities of the government to the people of the country and maintained that, never stopped the pre-recorded interview from hearing by the radio station either.

He denied having a prior idea of the interview with the ambassador and that he was invited “.. to engage the media which is something we have been doing.”

Bah mentioned that what the Ambassador said in his interview was his personal view and that there is only one competent body in the country that has the power to question the outcome of the result which is the court, and any aggrieved person should go to the court.

“The government of Sierra Leone has been very clear, elections are over, there is only one competent body in our country that has the power to question the outcome of the elections result and that is the court of Sierra Leone, and those who has the standing to do so can go to court. Our president has been certified as duly elected, we enjoy and continue to enjoy a very good working relationship with our international partners including the United States” he said.

He said they will continue to work on bilateral relationships and not to work on the personal opinion of the Ambassador.