The Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) and the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education (MTHE) in Sierra Leone have completed a nationwide, open review of the Education Sector Plan (ESP) 2022-2026.
This comprehensive assessment brought together diverse stakeholders, including civil society organizations, market women, school authorities, and community members, to discuss both the achievements and shortcomings of the current plan.
The review process focused on evaluating the progress made in implementing the ESP’s goals, which aim to improve access to quality education for all Sierra Leoneans. Christiana Samu, Director of Monitoring and Evaluation at MTHE, emphasized that the plan was a collaborative effort by both ministries since 2021.
“We developed the ESP together and have been actively implementing it,” Samu explained. “This review is a crucial part of the process, ensuring the plan remains effective and addresses the evolving needs of the education sector.”
The open and honest discussions during the review were commended by participants like Alphonso Manley, a representative from civil society. “It’s refreshing to see such a frank discussion about the challenges faced by the ESP,” Manley said. “This approach allows us to identify areas for improvement and work together to make the plan even more successful.”
The ESP review is a significant step towards strengthening Sierra Leone’s education system. By actively involving stakeholders and acknowledging both successes and challenges, the ministries are demonstrating their commitment to providing quality education for all. This collaborative approach paves the way for continuous improvement and ensures that the ESP remains relevant and effective in meeting the needs of Sierra Leone’s students and communities.
The review’s findings are expected to inform future revisions of the ESP, ensuring it continues to guide the country’s efforts towards achieving its education goals. With continued stakeholder engagement and a commitment to open dialogue, Sierra Leone can build a strong and thriving education system that benefits all its citizens.
What are the ESP