Sierra Leoneans, in an effort to promote accountability and recognize outstanding performance within their government, the “Ministry Excellence Monthly Award” has been introduced.

This initiative allows citizens to grade their Ministries monthly, appreciating those that excel and motivating others to accelerate their efforts. President Bio’s administration is firmly focused on the welfare of the people, and this new award aligns with that vision.

For the month of June, four Ministries have been nominated for their exceptional contributions: the Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation; the Ministry of Trade and Industry; the Ministry of Information and Civic Education; and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

It is now up to the general populace to decide which Ministry will be honored as the Ministry of the Month. Voting is accessible by scanning the QR code on the promotional flyer or by clicking this link. Voting concludes on June 30, 2024.

Here are some highlights of the key activities undertaken by these nominated Ministries in June:

Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation:

  1. 2024 Sierra Leone Innovates Tech Summit: This event brought together tech enthusiasts, innovators, and investors to explore and promote technological advancements in the country.
  2. Starlink Launch and Digital Transformation Project: The Ministry launched Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite internet service, and initiated a $50 million digital transformation project aimed at improving connectivity and technological infrastructure.
  3. Strategic Partnerships: The Ministry signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with Cheritex Foundation, Orange SL, farmerline, Limkokwing University, and Archdesignsl, fostering collaboration on various tech and innovation projects.
  4. Cybercrime Convention Protocol: The Deputy Minister signed the second additional protocol to the convention on Cybercrime, reinforcing Sierra Leone’s commitment to combating cyber threats.

Ministry of Trade and Industry:

  1. Conex Petroleum Energy Storage Tanks: The Ministry commissioned two 15KT storage tanks, enhancing the country’s fuel storage capacity.
  2. South Korea MOU: A significant MOU with the South Korean government was signed to boost bilateral trade relations.
  3. Fuel Price Workshop: A workshop was organized to review the fuel price formula, ensuring fair and transparent pricing.
  4. Market Sensitization Tour: Deputy Minister Fatmata Kargbo conducted a tour focusing on market sensitization, emphasizing peace and non-violence.

Ministry of Information and Civic Education:

  1. Public Information: The Ministry has kept the public well-informed about government activities, ensuring transparency and reducing communication gaps.
  2. International Engagement: The Minister attended the Save The Children event in Rome and the 10th Global ICT Leadership Forum in Korea, promoting President Bio’s investment in youth and ICT.
  3. Weekly Press Briefings: Regular press briefings were held to update the public on governmental developments.

Ministry of Health and Sanitation:

  1. Climate Health Technical Working Group: The inauguration of this group aims to address health issues related to climate change.
  2. Children’s Hospital Commissioning: A new state-of-the-art children’s hospital was opened at Lumley, enhancing healthcare services for children.
  3. Safe Motherhood Engagement: Female Members of Parliament were engaged on the Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Healthcare Bill, highlighting the Ministry’s commitment to maternal health.
  4. Media Town Hall and Grant Acquisition: The Ministry hosted its first media town hall event and secured a $170 million grant to fight malaria and other diseases.

Your vote will determine which Ministry receives the prestigious recognition of Ministry of the Month for June. Participate in this democratic process and support the continuous improvement of our government.