Before the end of each financial year, MDAs are required to give their budget for the next financial year.
As the ministry responsible for the allocation budget to MDA, the government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Finance has issued a public notice with regards to the date for the preparation of the 2023 financial year.
It is stated that on Wednesday 21st September 2022, the National Policy Heritage will commence wherein MDA’s will discuss and review the update on sectoral policies.
From September 22nd to October 7th, 2022 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily commencement of the Bilateral Discussions for all MDAs will help stakeholders to discuss and agree on policies that will guide revenue generation.
MDAs are encouraged to submit 50 copies of their strategic plan and budget proposal to the Budget Bureau two days before their scheduled date and all presentations should be done via PowerPoint.