The Ministry of Health in collaboration with its development partners on Saturday 20th April 2024 at the District Health Management Team Hall at the Pujehun government hospital ended a day meeting on the imperative task of raising awareness on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.

Madam Mariam Sow, the Ministry’s Special Advisor on Gender Mainstreaming, emphasized the vital role communities play in promoting SRHR. “SRHR is a cornerstone of well-being,” she declared, “and by working together, we can build a society that values the health and dignity of all.”

The day’s discussions centered on fostering community engagement. SRHR, as Madam Sow explained, encompasses the right to make informed decisions about one’s body, health, and well-being.

It includes: Respecting individual autonomy and dignity, Building healthy relationships, Access to accurate reproductive health information, Maternal and child healthcare services, Prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and Family planning options.

She said embracing SRHR has the potential to bring about positive transformations for individuals, families, and communities alike.

Adding as they seize the opportunity to come together as a community to exchange thoughts, ideas, and experiences on how they can collaborate to advance SRHR. they will explore topics such as SRHR awareness, knowledge transfer, and support services.

Madam Sow used that opportunity to extend her gratitude to the District Health Management Team (DHMT) in Pujehun district for graciously hosting them, and to the revered community leaders and esteemed organizations for accepting the invitation and demonstrating their commitment to championing SRHR.
Adding they also celebrate the rich diversity of perspectives and experiences in the room, urging each of the participants to share their insights and viewpoints freely.

Madam Sow said the objective of the community engagement was to foster understanding and respect for individual autonomy and dignity while remaining sensitive to cultural and religious beliefs.
“We aspire to cultivate a safe and inclusive environment for individuals to openly discuss their SRHR needs, concerns, and experiences, and to identify collaborative pathways towards promoting SRHR within our community,” She said

She said at the heart of their endeavor lies the empowerment of women to assume leadership and decision-making roles in SRHR services within the communities. adding by doing so, they aspire to cultivate more inclusive and effective healthcare services that cater to the diverse nee upds of all community members, especially women, and girls.

Madam Sow ended her statement by saying together, let them strive towards building a society that cherishes and upholds the health and dignity of every individual.
and she said in krio language “Well bodi business na all man business”

Chief Sylvester Monda Kamara, Chiefdom Speaker of Kpanga chiefdom, affirmed the local authorities’ determination to raise awareness of SRHR and combat compromising cases such as sexual penetration, teenage pregnancy, rape, child marriage, and sexual abuse.

Madam Elizabeth Patricia Sowa from Women of Wanjama expressed appreciation for the meeting and pledged to spread the message to benefit others.