To be considered a good leader, one has to work when the cameras are switched off. Putting this in a better sense means when people are not watching. In this regard to his performance over the years in the development of Sierra Leone, Mohamed Joshua Cole aka Blacker on a snippet video disclosed his love for Mohamed Gento Kamara, aspirant for 2023 Mayor of Freetown.

According to famous Blacker, he affirmed that Gento’s developmental spirit he has never seen in his life time. This he said was as a result of good deeds of Gento behind the scene before aspiring for Mayorship in Freetown.

Blacker added that he paid a visit to Hill-cut Road and was amazed to see the sacrifices of Gento and investment laid at his area in Hill-cut road Freetown.

“I have never seen anyone aspiring for Presidency in Sierra Leone that had done such development by tarring the area from his residence down to the main road …” Blacker mentioned.

This among other reasons made Blacker to draw conclusion that Gento deserves being the Mayor of Freetown 2023. Leadership in Blacker’s eye is given by God and not by man, and added that Gento is indeed blessed and chosen by God.

Even though he is classed as an insane person, Blacker disclosed that he has never altered words or spoken like an insane person. As he considers himself a soothsayer, Blacker concluded that his endorsement to Gento is a sign that Gento is the chosen one by God for the people of Freetown.