Sierra Leone’s health sector, Minister of Health Dr. Austin Demby hosted his first town hall meeting with media stakeholders at the Family Kingdom Resort in Freetown.

The event aimed to enhance collaboration and improve health reporting, bringing together editors, reporters, regulators, and educators.

Dr. Demby praised the transparency and progressiveness of discussions on accountability and ethical health reporting. He outlined the Ministry’s commitment to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030 through the Life Stages Approach, which prioritizes health service delivery from pregnancy to old age. Highlighting a 60% reduction in maternal deaths over two years, Dr. Demby urged the media to report accurately on health sector successes and challenges.

Minister of Information and Civic Education Hon. Chernor Bah emphasized the media’s role in communicating positive health outcomes and holding authorities accountable. He called for a strong partnership between the media and health authorities to combat misinformation.

The event featured a panel discussion on changing the culture of health journalism, chaired by media educator Dr. Isaac Massaquoi. Interactive group sessions allowed Dr. Demby to engage with media stakeholders on improving health reporting and collaboration. The town hall marked a new chapter in the partnership between the Ministry of Health and the media, aimed at achieving better health outcomes for Sierra Leoneans.