The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development has Collaborated with the Parliamentary Committee on Development to Celebrate 49th ECOWAS Anniversary

This event commemorated the historic signing of the multilateral treaty by the then 16 member states in Lagos, Nigeria, followed by the revised treaty in Cotonou, Benin, on 24th July 1993 by the heads of state and government of the current 15 member states.

The celebration incorporated series of media engagements, visits to ECOWAS-supported project sites, and the distribution of remember relief materials to orphanages. These activities aim to raise awareness of ECOWAS Day and highlight the significant contributions of ECOWAS to Sierra Leone.

Minister Barlay and the Development Secretary Peter N. Sam-Kpakra and the head of the ECOWAS National Office, Komba Momoh, joined the Parliamentary Committee members in visiting the ECOWAS Logistics Military Depot in Lungi and the Kono University of Science and Technology project site. These visits culminated in a grand ceremony where university students and school pupils interacted with the team and learned about ECOWAS interventions in Sierra Leone.

In her statement, the Minister expressed her gratitude for ECOWAS’s development interventions in Sierra Leone. “ECOWAS has played a pivotal role in supporting democracy and good governance, including election monitoring, mediation, diplomatic missions, and peacekeeping efforts.” She said.

Sierra Leone has greatly benefited from ECOWAS membership. The country received support from the ECOWAS Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) during the civil war and election observer missions. ECOWAS initiatives currently include the construction of Kono University, scholarships for academically excellent girls, the imminent construction of a Joint Border Post at Jendema, and food and nutrition assistance for flood victims, adding that, the ECOWAS Volunteer Program has provided essential skills in education and healthcare to rural communities, while the West African Power Pool Project expands energy provision. The Logistics Depot in Lungi, soon to be handed over to the ECOWAS Commission, will support peace and security efforts in the sub-region.

The development Secretary Sam-Kpakra highlighted the importance of local ownership of development projects and encouraged students to take their education seriously.

During the tour, Col. Dr. Bala Mohamed (Rtd), Commandant at the Logistics Depot, thanked President Julius Maada Bio and the people of Sierra Leone for their commitment to the project.

Komba Momoh , ECOWAS National Office Head, highlighted the development interventions done by the ECOWAS Commission in Sierra Leone.