The Citizens’ Guide to the National Budget 2023 was effectively launched by the National Council for Civic Education and Democracy (NaCCED) on April 15th, 2023, at the Makeni City Council Hall.

The Ministry of Finance facilitated the event, and it was attended by Non-State Actors from various regions, including Bombali, Tonkolili, Koinadugu, PortLoko, Kambia, Karene, and the Media.

During the launch, Chairman Kalilu Totangi explained that the National Council for Civic Education and Democracy was established by President Bio to address communication gaps.

He highlighted the significance of the event, as the budget is a complex document written in scientific language, which may not be easily understood by the general public.

Chairman Totangi urged Non-State Actors to educate their communities on how the government raises and spends taxpayers’ money.

To help with understanding, NaCCED provided a 20-page book in simple English with illustrations covering the budget analysis, including the GDP growth, inflation rate, and ongoing crises mitigation measures by the government.

The theme for this year’s budget is “Addressing the needs of the vulnerable in the context of the multiple crises,” which involves the Covid19 pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

The North East Region Secretary General Harold H. Kamara acknowledged the importance of the launch and encouraged all attendees to read the book and educate their communities.

Kamara emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in the use of public funds, and the importance of providing accurate information to the public in a democratic government.