Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources Umaru Napoleon Koroma has, in his closing address to business leaders at the World Cooperation Industries Forum in Turkey, said that Sierra Leone should not just be remembered for negative reasons but for the many positive things the country can offer to the world.

Umaru Napoleon Koroma, (who was a star at the investment conference due to his brilliant and insightful contributions) made particular reference to a potential investor whom he said had expressed the desire to invest in the Sierra Leone’s tourism industry, especially the filming industry.

“It would interest you to note that I came here as Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources but throughout my interactions, I have been able to create connections here…I met a lady who told me she was into film production. I realized it was an opportunity to have my country as part of it so that we will be able to tell our story…”

The Deputy Minister went on to state that the story of Sierra Leone has been told differently with little or no reference to our richness in minerals, great forest reserves, and some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

He said that most people could only remember Sierra Leone for the civil war, blood diamonds, and Ebola, adding that the country is more than that and has a lot to offer. He hoped that more foreign investment would change this narrative and promised to effectively utilize the lessons learned at the conference for a better Sierra Leone.