The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has proposed a budget of NLE 25,923,500 for the 2025 fiscal year, aimed at bolstering the nation’s disaster preparedness and response capabilities. The request was made during a budget hearing at the Ministry of Finance, where NDMA’s Director General, Lt. Gen. (Rtd.) Brima Sesay, emphasized the critical need for enhanced funding to manage disaster-related challenges across Sierra Leone effectively.

During his presentation, Lt. Gen. Sesay highlighted the agency’s ongoing efforts to mitigate and respond to disaster incidents, citing recent examples of building and fence collapses in Freetown. He detailed the NDMA’s collaboration with key governmental bodies, including the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Country Planning, the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of Environment, the Freetown City Council, and the Sierra Leone Roads Authority. Together, these agencies have conducted joint assessments, halted illegal constructions, executed controlled demolitions, and undertaken other risk mitigation activities.

“Investing in disaster mitigation is far cheaper than responding to disasters,” Lt. Gen. Sesay stated, underscoring the importance of proactive measures. “We must invest in the safety and resilience of our communities rather than reacting after disasters occur.”

He further stressed that adequate funding is essential for critical activities, such as personnel training, infrastructure improvements, and the implementation of early warning systems. These measures, he argued, are vital for reducing vulnerability and enhancing the agency’s response capabilities.

The NDMA’s budget proposal also prioritizes community outreach, rapid response to disaster victims, and nationwide disaster risk mitigation efforts. Lt. Gen. Sesay urged the government to allocate the requested funds, emphasizing that only with sufficient resources can the agency effectively mitigate risks and build resilient measures to safeguard communities across Sierra Leone.

The NDMA’s budget request now awaits approval from the Ministry of Finance as part of the broader national budget for 2025.