In a gesture of support and admiration, the United Nations Rojalnu Africa Youth Network has extended its congratulations to His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio on his successful re-election as the President of Sierra Leone.

The Network, led by President Amanda Nomnqa, expressed confidence in President Bio’s leadership and vision to bring positive change to the region.

President Nomnqa conveyed her warmest congratulations to President Bio, acknowledging the trust and confidence placed in him by the people of Sierra Leone during the June 24, 2023 presidential election. She commended his commitment to public service and dedication to the betterment of the country.

“It is with great pleasure and a sense of hope that I send this letter, knowing that your leadership and vision will undoubtedly bring positive change to the region. Your election signifies the trust and confidence that the people of Sierra Leone have placed in your ability to lead and address the diverse challenges faced by the country,” she stated.

Recognizing the immense responsibility and influence that comes with the presidency, President Nomnqa expressed her confidence that President Bio’s leadership would foster economic growth, strengthen democracy, promote social justice, and enhance regional cooperation in Sierra Leone.

President Bio’s victory in the general elections was announced by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (EC-SL) on June 27, 2023. The President secured a landslide victory, winning 1,566,932 (56.17%) of the total valid ballots cast, surpassing his closest rival, Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara of the ruling All People’s Congress, who received 1,148,262 (41.16%) votes.

With his re-election, President Bio will serve a second term of five years, aiming to lead Sierra Leone towards a bright future marked by wisdom, compassion, and success for its people.

As the news of President Bio’s re-election spreads, the nation eagerly awaits the implementation of his plans and policies, hoping for a prosperous and united Sierra Leone under his leadership.