Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, lawyer for former Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma, strongly refuted the charges against his client and questioned the legality of the investigation process.

The former President was arraigned on Wednesday on a-four-count indictment including treason and two counts of harbouring fugitives. The charges stem from alleged involvement in an attempt to overthrow Sierra Leone’s government on November 26, 2023.

Kamara revealed that despite 40 hours of interrogation, no concrete evidence was presented to Koroma linking him to the alleged offenses. He emphasized the lack of specific accusations beyond basic inquiries about individuals and objects, calling the entire process “ridiculous.”

“It is unfortunate for this nation to drag a Former President that was democratically elected for two terms, on charges of such nature,” Kamara stated, adding that this sets a dangerous precedent they will fiercely challenge to prove Koroma’s innocence.

The lawyer’s comments raise concerns about the fairness and transparency of the legal proceedings against the former president. The lack of concrete evidence presented, as claimed by Kamara, casts doubt on the validity of the charges and fuels speculation about potential political motives behind the investigation.

Watch full interview below: