His Excellence Julius Maada Bio
Dear Sir,
As a concern Citizen in Sierra Leone,
I am so concerned about the increment of prices in Sierra Leone, which has created a negative impact toward the lively hood of worker and the general society as they could no longer cope with the harsh realities of the current cost of living in Sierra Leone,
the unmitigated economic situation is worsening inequality and poverty at individual, household, and community level this situation is worrisome and dangerous predisposition that a fragile society like Sierra Leone can ill- afford, am so disappointed Mr. President action need to be taken immediately,
1 the Skyrocketing of petroleum products.
2 high costs of transportation
3 high prices of essential commodity like bag of rice, drug and building material
4 low and stagnant salaries and wages for worker generally and particular for public sector worker
5 high taxation system
6 student @ University fees need to be subsidized
7 the overburden system of taxation more particular the Good and Services Tax (GST)
This are few highlights burning issue that need to be addressed solution need to be provided in the interest of Sierra Leonean as a concern Citizen I urge the Government to take action and implement measure
I rest my view,
Fatima Jabbe Maada
Ministry of agriculture,
Petroleum Regulatory Agency, (PRA
Ministry of Social Welfare,
National Revenue Authority (NRA).