Orange Mobile Finance has refuted claims made by Super Advertis regarding a frozen Super Advertis accounts on their platform.

In a recent press release, Orange clarified that they do not have any official association or contractual ties with Super Advertis. They explicitly stated that there is no involvement with frozen accounts linked to the company on its Orange Money platform.

The telecom giant emphasized that Super Advertis engaged in unauthorized use of their platform, asserting that their agents, dealers, and partners are bound by specific contractual limitations. Any breach of these restrictions necessitates regulatory actions to mitigate risks, primarily focused on safeguarding customer interests.

Orange urged customers who conducted transactions through Super Advertis to contact the respective agent for potential refunds. In instances where agents encounter difficulties, procedures have been established through Orange Mobile Finance’s Back-office for resolution.

Expressing concern over incitement on social media allegedly by Super Advertis, Orange sternly cautioned against encouraging such behavior. The company underscored its commitment to legal adherence and protecting assets, urging Super Advertis to refrain from incendiary remarks.

Orange reaffirmed its willingness to partner with legally registered entities in Sierra Leone, asserting its commitment to operating with the highest ethical standards and in compliance with all laws and regulations.

The Press Release aims to reiterate Orange Mobile Finance’s integrity and its dedication to upholding legal and ethical standards while addressing the recent allegations made by Super Advertis.