Leading Telecommunications Mobile Network provider, Orange Sierra Leone has launched the Orange Digital School Kits Project on Monday, 23rd May 2022 at the company’s headquarters in Freetown.
“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in Primary education in our beloved nation of Sierra Leone as we launch the Pilot Phase of digital school kits project. I am deeply moved by this initiative of Orange Foundation to bring digital learning in Sierra Leone” said Director of Orange, Engineer Edward Sesay, in his opening remarks.
“The story behind this project; in Africa and the Middle East, many children have no access to Internet or books. Digital schools are electronic libraries providing educational content to under resourced schools” he added.
“On 11th of June, 2016 the first digital school was launched in Madagascar. Currently 12 Countries mostly in Sub Saharan Africa are part of the digital school Project and in these schools each pupil uses a tablet to follow the contents chosen by the teacher which is also projected on the board” he disclosed.
The aim of the Orange Foundation Digital Kit is to offer children access to education using learning techniques and thereby closing the gap between affluent and underprivileged Schools in Sierra Leone.
According to Engineer Sesay, these Digital School kits, are designed to provide under Privileged schools with teaching and learning materials not normally available to pupils. The aim is to equip 20 schools in the pilot phase with digital learning products.
“The Project Is intended to impact 2,000 children a year in the 20 schools in Rural and Urban communities” he said.
He added that each of the 20 primary schools will receive the following items: One Projector and Screen, 10 headphones, 24 tablets, 1ACER laptop, bluetooth speakers, 1 SD card, 6 power extensions 1 big pack case and 1 small pack case.
The Director and Engineer in his closing remarks, congratulate and advice all beneficiaries to handle the digital materials with utmost care for a sustainable pride and ensure that the pupils have a direct benefit to them.
He ended by thanking their partner Biazo Company for their partnership and for conducting the training of trainers.One of the Coordinators of Orange Sierra Leone, Desmond Spaine, cautioned School authorities that they will be visiting them from time to time to monitor and evaluate the use of the digital Kits.
The program was climaxed by the awarding of certificates to trainers and Juliana Johnson from Fourah Bay College Primary School gave a closing vote of thanks on behalf of all schools represented in the program.
The launching was witnessed by representatives from the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE), Head teachers, teachers and pupils from various schools in Sierra Leone.