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UNIMAK Sign MOU With Italian University

UNIMAK Sign MOU With Italian University

The University of Makeni (UNIMAK), through their Vice-Chancellor Professor Joseph Turay, signed a partnership with the University of Perugia in Italy on October 3, this year. The memorandum of understanding...

UNIMAK Muslim Jamaat commence Mosque Construction

UNIMAK Muslim Jamaat commence Mosque Construction

The University of Makeni (UNIMAK) Muslim Jamaat has started the construction of a mosque in Yelisanda. This construction marks an immense effort to facilitate Muslim students at the University of Makeni...

Man Chopped to Death – Police Inspector Testifies

Man Chopped to Death – Police Inspector Testifies

One Abdul Slowe (deceased) was allegedly chopped to death by his close friend the accused Abdul Lamin Kamara, aged 27, who is standing trial on a one count charge of Murder contrary to Law before Magistrate...

50th Independence Anniversary Corruption Case Resumes

50th Independence Anniversary Corruption Case Resumes

The trial of Dr. William Konteh, Yeniva Sisay Sogbeh and Victor Cole over the handling of funds for the celebration of Sierra Leone’s 50th Independence Anniversary in April in 2011 recommenced trial...

Man Jailed For Impregnating His Daughter

Man Jailed For Impregnating His Daughter

Mohamed Conteh has allegedly been sentenced to jail for raping and continuously sleep with his seventeen years old daughter until he got her pregnant. The victim, the 17years old girl explains in court...

High Court Sits For The First Time in Koidu Town

High Court Sits For The First Time in Koidu Town

The High Court has commenced sittings for the first time in the Country’s history in Kissy Teng Chiefdom, Koindu Town in Kailahun District, Eastern Province of Sierra Leone. The move is part of the...


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