Panguma Government Hospital in Lower Bambara Chiefdom has received a substantial boost in medical equipment, courtesy of Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Dr. Fatima Maada Bio.

The equipment was presented during her visit, following an invitation from Honourable Madam Rugiatu Tarawally Musaffa of Constituency 015.

The donation represents a significant enhancement of healthcare services for Panguma and its neighboring communities, bringing renewed hope and excitement to local residents. In her speech, Dr. Fatima Maada Bio emphasized the remarkable progress in the nation’s healthcare sector under President Julius Maada Bio’s administration. She highlighted the dramatic increase in the number of nurses, from 3,000 to over 10,000 in just six years. “The President has raised the number of nurses from 3,000 to over 10,000 in just six years,” she noted proudly.

Dr. Bio expressed her emotional connection to the cause, stating, “As a mother, it breaks my heart to see children suffer due to a lack of medical facilities.” She thanked the nurses for their dedication and sacrifices, acknowledging their critical role in improving healthcare access.

She also outlined her personal contributions to the healthcare sector, mentioning the transformation of a 60-bed facility into a 600-bed hospital and the imminent inauguration of a new nursing school. These efforts underscore her commitment to expanding healthcare infrastructure in Sierra Leone.

Dr. Mina, head of Panguma Government Hospital, expressed profound gratitude to the First Lady for the essential medical equipment. He also extended thanks to President Bio for his steadfast support of the healthcare sector. Dr. Mina praised Dr. Fatima Maada Bio for her relentless dedication to the well-being of Sierra Leoneans and her initiatives to protect girls across the country.