Sierra Leone Parliament through its Speaker Honourable Segepon Solomon Thomas has condemn same sex marriage and Informed Members of Parliament and citizens that there is no same sex marriage in Sierra Leone.

He said Sierra Leoneans might be poor but its people fear and have faith in God, So the country cannot tolerate same sex marriage.

The Speaker made the submission during the committee stage on the amendment and repeal of the Criminal Procedures Act (CPA) in the Chamber of Parliament.

According to the Honourable Speaker, anyone caught in same sex marriage will be dealt with according to law, adding that Sierra Leone is a country of religion with Christians and Muslim, the two main religions in the country that abhor same sex marriage.

The Speaker furthered that Sierra Leone as religious nation believes that same sex marriages is unreligious, unholy and unacceptable in the country.

In the same vein, Parliament has voted and approved unanimously, the passage of the Bill entitled “The Criminal Procedure Act, 2024” into law.
This is a major milestone in the justice delivery process in Sierra Leone

The new Act, once it comes into effect, will repeal and replace the Criminal Procedure Act of 1965. Efforts to review, repeal and replace the 1965 Act started more than 20 years ago.

Thanks to President Bio for making this a manifesto promise, and for putting it in the performance contract signed by the Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

The Attorney General set a timeline to deliver on this and with his leadership, the office has delivered.