As at this material moment of going to Press, Pavi Fort is installing streetlights at Ferry Junction, Congo Cross and Lumley, marking the final phase of the Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project (IRUMP) as was agreed upon. The traffic lights, that are now working, have attracted praises for the Government and the company with many describing such as radical departure from stagnation to progress inspiring confidence that the country is on the right development trajectory.

The company, headed by its result-oriented and charismatic Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alhaji Alimu Barrie, has been rated as one of the strongest pillars of development in the current political dispensation of the current ruling SLPP Government of Sierra Leone, headed by President Julius Maada Bio. The company has indeed demonstrated astute leadership and effectiveness in the timely implementation of various roads projects, won through competitive bidding processes that have so far attracted commendable acclamations from near and far.

It could be recalled that after the SLPP Government, under the dynamic leadership of President Julius Maada Bio, successfully secured funding from the World Bank for the implementation of the Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project (IRUMP), a project that is implemented by the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, its relevant Agencies and other stakeholders, it was Pavi Fort that emerged as the competent roads construction company that won for the implementation of that contract.

The main objective of this major project was geared towards comprehensive corridor improvements that will cover complete traffic management measures including intersection improvements, coordinated traffic lights, improvement of sidewalks for pedestrian movement, drainages, etc. Three selected areas were earmarked for the project’s implementation namely Ferry Junction in the East End of Freetown, Congo Cross Roundabout and Lumley in the West End.

With a well trained workforce of engineers and other road-related employees, the company embarked on effective work with utmost dedication to deliver according to specifications. Though, inevitably, teething challenges were encountered during various stages in the implementation of the project, however, within record time Pavi Fort went a long way to revolutionize the conditions of the road corridors within the aforementioned locations to the consternation of the donor, the World Bank, the Government of Sierra Leone and the wider populace. The installation of the aforementioned street lights marks the tail end of the implementation phase as was previously stated.

One thing that is also very glaring or outstanding around the country today is the engagement of Pavi Fort in the maintenance of major township roads with a focus on specified locations within Freetown. In the East End and Central Parts of Freetown the company has made considerable progress in upgrading certain major roads including Sani Abacha Street, East End Police Roundabout, Kennedy Street, Model Junction, Kissy By-Pass, City Road, Main Motor Road, Bai Bureh Road, Jenner Wright Road, Fourah Bay Road, Cline Town Roundabout, Regent Road in the Peninsular and other areas. Significant improvements have been made on these roads transforming them from being death traps.

Cognizance must be taken that the dilapidation, wear and tear of these roads, with all of them harbouring considerable number of potholes actually reduced to dangerous states as well as posing potential and teething hazards to vehicular and pedestrian movements sometimes resulting into fatal accidents and injuries. The professionalism so far displayed by the company in upgrading them has radically transformed them into becoming vehicular and pedestrian friendly, more especially for persons with disability.

According to the outcome of a random survey conducted by this medium many have so expressed utmost satisfaction for the improvements that they have seen made with some saying it is a manifestation of a positive development befitting any modernized capital city.

Pavi Fort also effectively rehabilitated major streets in Lungi, including Maada Bio Street, significantly eliminating the hazardous potholes that formerly married or littered it.

In Port Loko, to the consternation of residents and strangers, the company completed the constructing of a 2.2km road leading to a 100-bed Port Loko Government Hospital, which Pavi Fort also attractively rehabilitated to a state of art standard.

In Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone, the company is in the final throes of rehabilitating and maintaining a 30km stretch of roads within the township. From the time it commenced work, the company has so made excellent progress on the two phases of the project with determination on the part of the company that it will be admirably completed in the early part of 2024.

The company has also displayed professional competence in the construction of the 261km Kabala-Krobola-Kono Road Project, a road that Pavi Fort was working on but the implementation phase was halted due to a change in Government.

However, due to the confidence reposed in the company for its effectiveness it was re-awarded the contract and since work commenced it has now reached an advance stage as major aspects of the work have been completed.

Without any iota of praise singing it could be objectively underscored that Pavi Fort’s display of professionalism and competence in road construction and rehabilitation has lend credence to the significance of making use of local content. Indeed, the company has immensely contributed in the areas of job creation, payment of taxes to Government, contributing to development through execution of its corporate social responsibility, the upgrading of neglected as well as hazardous roads among other accomplishments but most importantly in drastically reducing traffic related road crashes.

The company’s commitment to implement road projects that meet international standards and ensures quality, durability has been impressive, breath taking earning it the covetous position as the foremost road construction company that has been receiving widespread acclamation as an important partner to national development and progress.