PC Paul Ngaba Saquee V of Tankoro Chiefdom Kono District has been duly elected as the PCMP for Kono District after scoring 10 votes cast in his favor beating his contenders PC Syrus Ngebuva Konobundor of Gorama Kono Chiefdom who pulled 02 votes cast in his favor and PC Emmanuel Tamba Torche Foryoh of Soa Chiefdom who pulled 02 votes cast in his favor.
It could be recalled that before the election, a communication was signed by each of the PCs in Kono that whoever was to be elected amongst themselves could serve as their representative in the next Parliament of the sixth republic of Sierra Leone.
The Secretary General of the Council of Paramount Chiefs in Kono District PC Bindi Fenfa Ngongou of Gbane Chiefdom says the such a strategy was used in a bid to enhance peace and cohesion amongst themselves for the development of Kono District.
“We want to serve as the pace setters towards the peace of Kono District as custodians of the land”, PC Bindi Fenfa Ngongou stated.
The PCMP elect PC Paul Ngaba Saquee V of Tankoro Chiefdom thanked his colleagues for reposing on him the confidence to represent them in the next Parliament.
“I will not betray the confidence that which be bestowed on me”, PC Saquee noted.
He said he would always consult them on issues of the interest of the Kono District to be advocated for in Sierra Leone’s house of representatives.
He said he would work in bringing the Kono MPs together for the Development of Kono.
PC Saquee reaffirms commitments to advocates for the conditions of service for Paramount Chiefs.
He assures that he would boost Development interventions “I will support the government to promote its development aspirations in Kono District”, he said.
He disclosed that he would support the effects of seeing that science education is improved in Kono District by tapping on many doors to equip science schools laboratories all of which according to him centered around developing students for the University of Science and Technology in Kono District.
He called on the politicians to emulate the good examples of the Paramount chiefs of Kono in coming together in peace for the development of the District.
One of the main contenders to PC Saquee in the person of PC Emmanuel Tamba Torche Foryoh of Soa Chiefdom says he was pleased with the outcome of the election. “I was one of those that congratulated my colleague PC Saquee after he was announced as the winner”, He said.
He said he would continue to render his usual support to Kono District.
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