The Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC) has on the 21st June 2023 in a press release condemned the act of violence of any sort or kind in the country ahead of the June 24th election.

The commission appealed to the Sierra Leone police and other relevant authorities to ensure the safety of all citizens before, during and after the elections.

The Press Release reads:

“The Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC) stands firm in its commitment to promoting a peaceful and harmonious democratic process in Sierra Leone. With the upcoming elections scheduled for June 24th, 2023, the ICPNC strongly condemns all acts of violence and urges all citizens to maintain a peaceful atmosphere throughout the electoral period.

The ICPNC is deeply concerned about recent incidents of violence, particularly the burning of houses and party offices, which have taken place in various parts of the country. Such actions not only undermine the democratic process but also pose a threat to the stability and unity of Sierra Leone. We firmly denounce these acts and call upon all political parties, candidates, and citizens to reject violence and embrace dialogue as a means of resolving differences.

As an independent body entrusted with fostering national cohesion, the ICPNC recognizes the importance of free and fair elections as a cornerstone of democracy. It is imperative that all stakeholders, including political leaders, supporters, and the general public, abide by the principles of peaceful coexistence, respect for the rule of law, and the democratic values upon which Sierra Leone is built.

The ICPNC urges political parties and their supporters to engage in constructive and inclusive dialogue, focusing on policies, ideas, and solutions that will contribute to the overall development and progress of Sierra Leone. We call upon all political parties to prioritize the welfare and interests of the citizens over partisan ambitions.

Furthermore, the ICPNC appeals to the Sierra Leone Police and other relevant authorities to ensure the safety and security of all citizens during the election period. We encourage them to carry out their duties with utmost professionalism, impartiality, and in accordance with the law.

The ICPNC believes that a peaceful and inclusive electoral process is essential for the future of Sierra Leone. We stand ready to provide support, guidance, and mediation to facilitate peaceful dialogue and resolve any disputes that may arise during the elections.

In conclusion, the ICPNC calls upon all Sierra Leoneans to embrace the spirit of unity, tolerance, and respect for diversity. Let us work together to ensure a peaceful, transparent, and credible electoral process that will strengthen the democratic foundations of our nation and contribute to the continued progress and prosperity of Sierra Leone.

God Bless the Land that we Love-Our SIERRA LEONE”