President Julius Maada Bio on Tuesday welcomed the leadership and members of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL) to the State House in Freetown.

Led by PFSL President Bishop Akintayo Sam Jolly, the delegation was received by President Bio, who commended the pivotal role the Pentecostal Fellowship plays in Sierra Leone’s spiritual, social, and moral advancement.

Taking to Twitter, President Bio expressed gratitude for the visit, emphasizing the significant contribution of Pentecostal Christianity to the nation’s development. He highlighted discussions during the meeting, focusing on collaboration opportunities to further support the welfare of the Sierra Leonean people and enhance the Pentecostal Fellowship’s outreach and impact.

“Today, I received the leadership and members of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone at the State House in Freetown. Pentecostal Christianity represents a significant part of the Christian community, and I acknowledge the critical role that it plays in the spiritual, social, and moral development of our nation.

“During our meeting, I commended the Pentecostal Fellowship of  Sierra Leone for their contributions towards nurturing peace, promoting moral values, and fostering national unity.

“The meeting also provided an excellent opportunity for us to discuss and exchange ideas on how we can further collaborate for the welfare of our people and explore avenues where the Government can support in enhancing their outreach and impact.” the President wrote.

However, concerns have arisen regarding the well-being and peaceful coexistence of Pentecostal Churches in Sierra Leone.

Bishop Akintayo Sam Jolly, in a recent press conference held at the Living Word of Faith Outreach Ministry International in Freetown, voiced apprehension over escalating tensions and alleged disenfranchisement of churches and ministers.

He highlighted a lack of justice in reported matters to the police and expressed dissatisfaction with the handling of cases brought before the courts. These concerns underscore ongoing challenges within the Pentecostal community, warranting attention and resolution.