The Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr has reportedly held at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and will likely be charged to court for obstructing the police in performing their duties. It is unclear whether she will be granted bail pending her arraignment tomorrow.

This is according to a report by Sierra Eye Salone on Twitter.

The report states that, “Reports indicate that Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr is currently at the Criminal Investigations Department and will be charged to court for obstructing police. It is unclear whether she will be granted bail pending her arraignment tomorrow.”

On Thursday 29 September 2022, the Sierra Leone police summoned the Mayor Aki-Sawyerr for questioning over allegedly obstructing police work and “disorderly behaviour”.

The summons is tied to an incident at the airport last month.

On September 17, the mayor streamed a live video on social media from Freetown International Airport, on her way to New York for an event coinciding with the annual UN General Assembly.