A total of 50 Police investigators and prosecutors in Bombali district have benefited from one-day capacity building training organized by the Legal Aid Board on 2018 Bail Regulation at Makeni City on Tuesday 31st May 2022.
The event which is funded by the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) is currently taking place at Sierra Leone Teachers Union (SLTU) conference hall opposite Mennah Police Station in Makeni city.
The training is the fourth and it brings the total to 200 police officers that have been trained by the Board during this second phase of the project which targets the total of 250 police investigators and prosecutors in five districts: Karene, Koinadugu, Falaba, Bombali and Bonthe districts.
The training is geared towards capacitating the police on the factors and guidelines that they should consider when admitting, denying or opposing bail to suspects and accused persons in police stations and courts.
The move according to LAB Counsel for North-east region who also doubles as lead facilitator, Ibrahim Samba Esq, is to “help ease some of the bottlenecks suspects or accused persons face when applying for bail in police stations and the courts”. He averred that bail should not be used as an instrument to punish others and as such should not be anchored around the ‘powers that be’ but the due process of the law.