The Police Regional Commanding Officer of Freetown-East, ACP Dr. John Martin Senesie, convened a crucial consultative meeting on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, with representatives from various nightclubs and bars in the area.

The meeting aimed to address a range of pressing issues affecting these establishments and the local community.

During the gathering, participants engaged in extensive discussions on several key concerns, including customer lawlessness, drug abuse, pickpocketing, fighting incidents, double parking of cars along the road, and disturbances caused by prostitutes.

Mr. John Paul Koroma, representing the Liberia Bar, drew attention to the alarming prevalence of gambling activities near Lowcost Junction, as well as the illicit sale of drugs inside clubs. Koroma expressed concern over the misuse of these drugs by unsuspecting customers and the subsequent theft of their belongings.

In response to the highlighted problems, the Regional Crime Officer, D/DSP Mohamed Amara, emphasized the importance of club and bar owners obtaining the necessary licenses mandated by law to operate their businesses.

He further stated that law enforcement authorities have the power to make arrests in any location, with the exception of places like Law Courts, Parliament, and Embassies.

The Regional Commander stressed the need for club and bar owners to collaborate closely with Operations Officers and Local Unit Commanders (LUCs) in their respective areas to effectively combat crime. By fostering this partnership, they can ensure a prompt and efficient response to security incidents.

The representatives of the various clubs and bars expressed their gratitude to the Regional Commander for his proactive approach in involving them in the formulation of a comprehensive security plan.

They acknowledged the mutual benefits that would arise from a cooperative effort between the establishments and the police.