In his determination to ensure the governing Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) secures landslide victories in 2022 local council election and the 2023 presidential and parliamentary elections, His Excellency President Brig. (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio is reportedly bracing up for a radical reform that will bring about a robust, effective and efficient party administration.

According to inside resources, the radical reform will include the President’s anticipated decision to relieve all those holding executive position in the National Executive Council (NEC) of the ruling SLPP of their political appointments to enable them concentrate on working for the party effectively and efficiently from the party headquarters on Wallace Johnson Street in Freetown.

“If SLPP are to win both the 2022 local council elections and the 2023 national elections which are very crucial, those in executive positions should not be distracted by politically appointed jobs but to concentrate on working for the party assiduously at the headquarters,” one of the sources said, adding that there are many challenges in the party which the executive officers are yet to tackle ahead of those elections this year and next year, they therefore need to concentrate on proffering solutions to the challenges.

President takes such bold move to relieve all NEC members with Political appointments with their       eye-watering jobs, it will give them ample time to work for the victory of the party in both the local council elections and the national elections, come 2022 and 2023.

According to The Satellite Newspaper, they believe this anticipated strategy by the President will work to ensure victories in both the local council elections and the 2023 national election, noting that the President should leave no stone unturned in the interest of the party.

Meanwhile, stalwarts who are likely to be affected are having sleepless nights brooding over whether the President will actually relieve them of their moth-watering jobs to concentrate on party work ahead of the elections this year and next year.