Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has launched the Electoral System Review, a collaborative effort involving the government, the main opposition All Peoples Congress Party (APC), and development partners.

The review was recommended by the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC) in partnership with other stakeholders during a three-day peace dialogue.

President Bio emphasized that political dialogue is not a sign of weakness but rather a demonstration of the nation’s unwavering commitment to peace and national cohesion. He reaffirmed his dedication to maintaining and safeguarding these values.

“Political dialogue is not a sign of weakness, as some may perceive it,” he asserted. “On the contrary, it is a symbol of our commitment to peace and national cohesion.”

President Bio expressed his assurance that the assembled parties had gathered to advance, strengthen, and deepen their democratic commitments and credentials as a nation, a privilege that should be cherished by all.

“We have gathered to demonstrate to the world that our commitment to peace, unity, and national prosperity outweighs our political differences,” he declared. He further stated that individual differences and interests must converge in the shared national interest.

President Bio expressed gratitude to the facilitators of the dialogue, initiated by the ICPNC, aligning with his plans to revitalize the country’s democracy. He commended the main opposition party for adhering to the country’s governance system.

The Electoral System Review is a significant step towards strengthening Sierra Leone’s democratic processes and fostering a more peaceful and cohesive society. President Bio’s leadership and the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders are crucial for achieving this goal.