Popular Sierra Leonean Artist ‘Be Razz’ of FirewoodZ visited Boss LA in Sierra Leone’s male correctional Centre on Monday 30th January 2023.

The Netherland-based artist who is in Sierra Leone for a short trip gives words of courage to Boss LA that all is not lost and he needs to be strong and stay positive during these trying times.

According to Be Razz, “we are not judging you for whatever reason, we know you will come out very soon and we will be here waiting for you.”

Boss LA appreciated Be Razz for the visit and he advised him to focus on his craft and tries to do shows in Africa, especially in Sierra Leone.

Boss LA further expressed optimism that he will come out soon, and he is looking forward to doing a European tour with FirewoodZ.

Boss LA further advised his colleague rapper to stay out of trouble and focus on his craft.

Meanwhile, in 2018, FirewoodZ featured Boss LA in a song titled ‘Woman need a man like me.’

As a result of the song’s success, Boss LA invited the duo to perform in his January 6th show at the national stadium in Freetown.