Sierra Leone Port Authority has welcomed the mercy ship’s delegation to Freetown as well as expressing a positive work outcome to get the best for the people of Sierra Leone.

Mr. Yakuba Askia Bio, the General Manager of the Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA), popularly known as Jada and his dynamic Deputy General Manager, Madam Judith Boie Kosseh took the lead in welcoming the delegation to at SLPA.

In his address, the SLPA GM appreciated the Mercy Ship team and for what he described as their timely arrival in the country, adding that, through their new administration, they have been able to welcome Mercy Ship which is one of the biggest medical ships in the world.

He further stated that the SLPA is going to create an open space to do their work and that the President, Julius Maada Bio is also focusing in the area of addressing health challenges.

“I was also working at Bollore when the Ship had earlier arrived and they were able to heal many people, but this time around the ship came under our administration to help solve our health issues in the country,” he stated.

In her statement, the Deputy General Manager of SLPA, Madam Judith Kosseh also welcomed Mercy Ship in Sierra Leone and applauded the team’s gesture.

She stated that their administration is pleased with the arrival of the Mercy Ship, noting that the ship arrived at the right time.

The coming of Mercy Ship is a testament of President Bio’s vision and commitment to improving the health sector in Sierra Leone. It is also an indication of the International Community’s urge to work with the government and people of Sierra Leone. It is reassuring that goodies of this nature continue to happen under our watch.