The halls of the United Nations Headquarters were filled with melodies of unity and hope during a Peace Concert, marking the end of Sierra Leone’s August 2024 Presidency of the United Nations Security Council.

In a powerful address, His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, delivered a heartfelt message emphasizing the universal pursuit of peace and the significant strides taken by Sierra Leone during its leadership of the Council.

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends of Peace,” President Bio began, expressing the honor he felt to speak at such a significant event. He framed the concert as a celebration of peace transcending borders, cultures, and beliefs, emphasizing the global need for unity in a world facing persistent conflicts and challenges.

Reflecting on the Security Council’s achievements during Sierra Leone’s presidency, President Bio highlighted key accomplishments, notably the historic debate on the reform of the Council, with a focus on correcting historical injustices and enhancing Africa’s representation. This step, he noted, was a milestone towards addressing the imbalance in global governance.

“In addition to ensuring the Security Council was able to do its business with efficiency and transparency in this month of August, we convened the first historic debate on the reform of the Council itself, with a focus on addressing the historical injustice and enhancing Africa’s effective representation in the Council,” he stated.

Sierra Leone’s peace journey was also highlighted through a Peace Exhibition at the United Nations Delegates’ Entrance, which showcased the country’s transformation from a war-torn nation to a beacon of peace and reconciliation. The exhibition, coupled with an Open Debate on the New Agenda for Peace, underscored Sierra Leone’s commitment to conflict prevention at global, regional, and national levels.

President Bio also emphasized the importance of advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda, detailing the Council’s first focused discussion on sustaining these commitments, particularly in the context of the accelerated drawdown of peace operations. “This was immediately followed by an invitation to the members of the Council to reflect on the situation in the Sahel and parts of West Africa,” he added, highlighting the ongoing security challenges posed by terrorism in these regions.

Throughout the month, Sierra Leone worked closely with the Peacebuilding Commission to provide advisory support, ensuring that the link between the Security Council and the Commission was strengthened, President Bio explained.

Despite the challenges the world continues to face, the President maintained an unwavering sense of hope. “Peace,” he noted, “is not merely the absence of war. It is the presence of justice, the practice of compassion, and the realization of human dignity.” For Sierra Leone, peace is a “lived reality,” hard-won through the resilience of its people, he added.

President Bio’s message was both a call to action and a reflection on Sierra Leone’s journey. “Our country’s journey from conflict to peace is a testament to the determination of the human spirit and the transformative power of reconciliation,” he said, bringing to the global stage the lessons of ownership and reconciliation that Sierra Leone has learned through its history.

The concert, which featured performances symbolizing unity and harmony, served as a reminder of the shared humanity that binds nations together in the pursuit of peace. “Music, like peace, is a universal language. It has the power to unite us, to heal us, and to remind us of our shared humanity,” President Bio remarked, encouraging the audience to carry forward the spirit of peace in their own lives.

While acknowledging the ongoing global conflicts, the President urged the international community to remain steadfast in their commitment to the principles of the United Nations, expressing Sierra Leone’s continued dedication to peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and the protection of the most vulnerable.

Concluding his address, President Bio warmly thanked the attendees for sharing in the evening’s celebrations, extending Sierra Leone’s vibrant culture and hospitality through food and fashion. “May the music of tonight inspire us all to be instruments of peace in our world. Thank you, and may peace be with us all,” he concluded, leaving the audience with a message of hope and collective responsibility.