President Julius Maada Bio has congratulated the elected speaker of the house of parliament, Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu and other elected officials that will oversee the proceedings of the sixth parliament that may dissolve in 2028.

The President further congratulated them for a successful inauguration of the sixth parliament of the second republic and the administering of oath of office to elected members.

The sixth parliament is noted to have recorded a historic milestone with the election of the youngest Member of Parliament in the ECOWAS-CEDEAO at the age of 28 coupled with the appreciable number of female parliamentarians which shows a great progress for women involvement in decision making.

President Bio urged the speaker of the house and other members to put the country’s interests above primordial and personal sentiments that will deliver a greater impact of democracy to the people of Sierra Leone. He is optimistic working with the parliament in delivering the government’s transformational agenda to push the country forward.