In a bid to foster community engagement and support ongoing development projects, the President of the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association convened a productive meeting with members of the Bo Police Wives Association. Held on Tuesday, 6thFebruary 2024, the gathering saw enthusiastic participation from members representing various backgrounds and professions.

The meeting, organized at the Bo East Division, served as a platform to discuss crucial initiatives within the police force’s ongoing development projects. Emphasizing the pivotal role of police wives, the President underscored the significance of their involvement in supporting these initiatives.

A focal point of the discussions revolved around plans for establishing a vocational training center in Bo City. Highlighting the necessity for a safe and inclusive space, the President stressed the importance of such a center for various activities and events. She revealed ongoing efforts in collaboration with Sierra Leone Police authorities and organizations to secure funding for the project.

Mrs. Sellu also emphasized the importance of community safety volunteers and urged residents to actively participate in neighborhood security. Furthermore, she announced an upcoming inauguration ceremony in Freetown following the recently concluded nationwide Mammy Queen and Deputy elections.

Addressing the gathering, the Regional Police Commander South, Assistant Inspector General of Police Brima Kanneh, welcomed the attendees and underscored ongoing efforts to enhance the relationship between the police force and the community. He highlighted the significance of open communication and mutual trust between the two parties, advocating for collaborative initiatives and community events.

Commending the President of the Police Wives Association and her members, the Regional Commander expressed gratitude for their active participation and support. He encouraged continued collaboration towards the association’s betterment and urged members to stay engaged in ongoing development projects.

The meeting concluded on a positive note, with members inspired and motivated to contribute to the community’s progress. It served as a productive platform for planning and discussing local development projects, showcasing the association’s dedication to improving the community’s welfare.