This November last year 2021, The President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Bregidier (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio Launched the construction of the new Kono University of Science and Technology.

Over these years since 2018 when he took power from the erstwhile President Koroma, Maada Bio has been nicknamed ‘Mr Launch. This nickname relates to the allegations that numerous projects launched by President Bio over the years are yet to materialise or being completed.

When the Kono University project first surfaced, majority of Sierra Leoneans believed it was just another lying project. The project was launched in Gbense Chiefdom, Kono District on Friday 19 November 2021.

It is almost a year since it was launched, but this time the Tok En Do Government is set to bring the University to life. This will be an added developmental project to the completed 5000 meters electricity in Kono.

Following to the new photos of the proposed Kono University of Science Technology and Technology that are circling the blue app, the photos showed the on-going construction of the Ultra-modern University in progress.

By the time of the project’s completion date, it is undoubtedly the first ever University in Kono District and second in the Eastern region after the Eastern Technical University in Kenema.

Kono District has been among the beneficiaries of this new direction of President Bio amidst the hardship Sierra Leoneans are experiencing. Few weeks ago, President Bio commissioned 5000 meters electricity to the people of Kono. At the time of this write-up, Kono District enjoys 24hrs uninterrupted electricity. An unshakeable electricity than even the capital, Freetown.

As project continues, Kono District will be having their first ever University in the leadership of President Bio.