Sierra Leone’s Concerned Pupils Association (CPA) has thrown its weight behind the #We Are Equal Campaign, expressing strong support for its efforts to end child marriage in the country.

In a letter, the CPA acknowledged that while they were not invited to the campaign launch, they understand such oversights can happen. They hold no grudge against the organizers and hope for inclusion in future events related to this important cause.

The association extended its appreciation to First Lady Madam Fatima Bio for her leadership in advocating for children’s rights, particularly in ending child marriage. They also commended President Julius Maada Bio for signing the anti-child marriage bill into law, demonstrating his commitment to protecting the country’s most vulnerable.

The letter further expressed gratitude to all participants in the #We Are Equal campaign launch, particularly the distinguished First Ladies who lent their support. “Together, we can work towards creating a safer and more equal society for all children in Sierra Leone,” the statement concluded.

The CPA reiterated its eagerness to be part of future initiatives aimed at ending child marriage and ensuring children’s rights are protected. They called for continued collaboration towards a brighter future for Sierra Leone’s children.

The #We Are Equal campaign was officially launched on July 2nd, 2024 by Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Fatima Bio. The campaign aims to accelerate the implementation of the recently signed anti-child marriage bill into law.