In his second address to the nation since the failed attempted coup on November 27th, President Julius Maada Bio reassured Sierra Leoneans of a steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law.

Emphasizing the nation’s deep-rooted respect for legal principles, President Bio conveyed a resolute message: “No matter the provocation, our response to the events of November 26 will be measured and determined along ONLY ONE parameter: THE RULE OF LAW, Nothing More, Nothing Less.”

Stating that the attempted coup would be handled solely as a law-and-order issue, devoid of any political, tribal, or religious biases, President Bio sought to allay any concerns regarding potential diversions from legal proceedings.

He underscored the government’s unwavering dedication to following the evidence and holding all responsible parties accountable, regardless of their status.

Assuring the populace of a commitment to both accountability within the legal framework and acknowledgment of broader principles of justice and freedom, President Bio’s address sought to instill confidence in a fair and impartial handling of the situation. As investigations continue, the nation awaits further developments under the promise of adherence to the rule of law.