The Government of Sierra Leone is pleased to inform the public that ALL 268 pilgrims that returned from Hajj tested Negative for COVID-19 using rapid antigen tests. Pre-planning and collaboration across government and with pilgrims over months resulted in the overall success of this year’s Hajj:

• All pilgrims were vaccinated before travelling for Hajj

• All notified prior to boarding the flight back home about what to expect ⚫ 20 testing stations established at the old airport terminal

• Smooth movement of pilgrims through testing with dignity and respect

• Care package to each pilgrim included masks, hand sanitizers and infographic packs

• All District Medical teams on standby maintaining active surveillance for any cases that may occur.

Special thanks to the National Public Health Agency’s leadership in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare, the Hajj Committee, SL- Embassy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the pilgrims for their cooperation at every step of the way.