The War in Ukraine could have a devastating effect on Sierra Leone  and Some African States, threatening their economies and seeing governments come under pressure to be able to cope with prices of petroleum products as well as food products, especially bread

Having gone through  a brutal and devastating  11 years Civil War, many Sierra Leoneans especially those within age 30 and above know the pains and aftermath of war

Today, the war between Russia and Ukraine is topical within the length and breadth of Sierra Leone because many Sierra Leoneans are not oblivious of the fact that there were already speculations of a possible hike in pump price of Fuel which may take effect at any time from now.

The cost of transport rise for people of Sierra Leone and across the Continent. This will have a knock-on effect on the prices of nearly all other products.

According to some pundits the biggest danger Africa May face is from the b likely rise in bread prices, as Russia and Ukraine supply about 30% of the world’s wheat.

According to Mark Heywood cited by the BBC , even been fired the war has taken a dreadful toll : diverting billions of dollars into rearmament and away from tackling poverty , Pandemics Education , inequality and the burgeoning climate crisis in a critical year.

The budget of oil-Producing Countries like Nigeria And Angola might get boost from the rising prices