Contrary to wide spread allegation that a reputable fishing Company SABCO which is the manufacturer of a sea food brand labelled SABCO Sardine was spotted over this past weekend dumping huge consignment of alleged expired Sardines, the Human resource Manager Zainab Tejan Bangura has categorically denied such allegation stating that the company commenced production in February this year and  that the Sardine products will last between 4 to 5 years period  before  expiration.

She explained  this during the  on the spot inspection of  the SABCO facilities at  Jui Western Rural District by the Deputy Minister of Trade and industry Fatmata Kargbo, the Executive Director Sierra Leone Standards Bureau Dr John Paul Kaisam  , the Director of Consumer Protection Commission Lawrence Bassie and other technical staff on Monday 27th August 2024.

She indeed confirmed that  some trucks load of organic waste from SABCO were dumped as usual at Bomeh dumping site in Freetown but were mere organic waste extracted during production process of the  finished products.

She explained that since the inception of the company in February this year 2024 by President Julius Maada Bio , it has been a normal practice by her company to inform  the Freetown City Council after compiling huge junk of organic waste for disposal.

The production process is well coordinated and sanitized and products are certified for both local and international market consumption.

The  Human resource Manager allayed the fears of Consumers stating  that their Sardine products  are not only affordable but  fit for purpose besides, meet  national and international standards thereby compete at  both local and international markets.

The  Deputy Minister and  team were taking on a conducted tour of the SABCO facilities to get first hand information on the production  process involved in manufacturing the SABCO Sardines and other finish products.

During the tour, the team was shown to the Chill Room where a pile stock of organic waste comprising the  fish intestine, Gill, fin ,bones, heads, tails and other unwanted components were kept under a highly refrigerated temperature.

The team was also taken to the   production room to see  the operational environment and process  involved in production.

After inspection of equipment and other production materials the team was left with no option but to appreciate the effort SABCO for generating employment for a large segment of our labour force and  above all  contributing towards the national revenue of Sierra Leone.

The  team was very much impressed with the conducive production atmosphere.

The Deputy Minister of Trade and industry madam  Fatmata Kargbo expressed   high suspicion of certain dubious business  people who can not match  up to the Standard and quality of  SABCO are ill bent on sabotaging their efforts in translating Government Feed Salone initiative into reality she therefore  warned against unhealthy  competition in the spirit of national development.

However, the Executive Director of Sierra Leone Standards Bureau Dr John Paul Kaisam  advised the management of SABCO to  bring on board all the stakeholders including: Office of National Security ONS, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade and industry, Consumer Protection Commission, the Sierra Leone Standards Bureau  and the media during  disposal of waste.